"In the complex process of selecting EMR technology, PASHealth makes it simple... Just use a Pen and Paper!"
PASHealth’s Electronic Medical Record (EMR) solution allows healthcare providers to manage patient information, immediately and access patient records in-house or remotely. PASHealth’s EMR allows users to easily review and complete patient histories, past visits, current medications, allergies, labs and diagnostic tests. Integrated with the PASHealth D-PAS Digital Pen System, which uses Anoto technology, the EMR program elevates the role of the system from passively collecting information that is typed in, to include digitally handwritten notes created by the provider.
From EMR to eligibility to electronic claims, PASHealth’s Electronic Medical Record (EMR) empowers healthcare practices and organizations to effectively address their financial, administrative, clinical, and regulatory needs.
The Document Management section allows the medical practice to store vital patient documents such as X-Ray’s, D-PAS handwritten Paper Reports, and Lab Reports etc. securely within the PASHealth secure server network. It is a powerful but simple way to have access to all vital documents right at one place. All vital documents can be organized and stored collectively in a systematic manner. Documents are categorized by the patient name, office ID#, doctor and document type. This enables easy viewing and access.

"Access is from anywhere, at anytime!"
PASHealth provides multi-functional, user-friendly patient portals for healthcare entities, establishing a professional online presence. The portal can be integrated with the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system to provide a set of pre-defined functionalities for registered patients. These functions not only empower the patient with information available any time of the day, but also reduce workload of the hospital or practice staff.
A patient portal offers the physician the ability to provide patient services through a secure online website. Patient records can be shared electronically from within EMR to streamline communications inside and outside the practice and also eliminate costs associated with sending documents via fax or mail. PASHealth’s Patient Portal enables the physician and patient to communicate with each other easily and securely online. Patients can log in through a secure password to view their personal records, lab reports, diagnostics, statements, and messages.
Patient portals provide an easy, all time access to the patient to online medical resources.
By delivering information and services to patients in a variety of ways, a fully functional Patient Portal helps maintain a seamless communication channel between the patients and the provider while improving overall efficiency of the delivery of care.

The healthcare industry is under intense pressure to move beyond paper. The 10-year Electronic Health Record (EHR) initiative, post-Katrina disaster awareness and public concern have focused attention on electronic patient record solutions.
But EMR is neither the only nor the most desirable way to electronic records for every provider. Some healthcare organizations do not require all of the functionality of a typical EMR system, the price tag remains prohibitive and a high implementation failure rate persists.
A best-of-class healthcare document management system, D-PAS from Patient Access Solutions Inc., can be a cost-effective and technologically viable alternative to EMR for many providers, healthcare facilities and smaller group practices.
And for those considering EMR but not ready to make the commitment, a healthcare document management system like D-PAS is not only a simple way to convert to electronic records immediately, but it also will complement and integrate with an eventual EMR solution.