Services By Industry
- Eligibility
- Claims Capture - Electronic Remittance Advice
- Digital Form Capture - D-PAS
- Payment Processing
- Electronic Medical Records - Patient Health Records
Click on claims button. At PASHealth log in page,
scroll down to the end of the page to download
our interactive tutorials.
- Eligibility
- Claims Capture - Electronic Remittance Advice
- Digital Form Capture - D-PAS
- Payment Processing
Click on claims button. At PASHealth log in page,
scroll down to the end of the page to download
our interactive tutorials.
Home Health Care
- Eligibility
- Claims Capture - Electronic Remittance Advice
- Digital Form Capture - D-PAS
- Payment Processing
Learn more about how to
Simplify the Business of Healthcare
by emailing us at
The PASHEALTH POS (Point-of-Service) terminals are easy to use for patient eligibility verification and are ideal for front-end locations such as registration areas, emergency rooms, admitting, and other areas where space is a consideration.
With PASHEALTH POS, you can verify eligibility for Medicaid, Medicare, and numerous commercial insurance plans. You can verify eligibility in seconds, receive a printed record of the response, and have a quick, simple, and accurate way of classifying patients during normal registration.
You can also add credit card authorization on the same machine saving precious workspace and money.