Services By Industry





 PAS Claims Tutorial

Click on claims button. At PASHealth log in page,
scroll down to the end of the page to download
our interactive tutorials.





 PAS Claims Tutorial

Click on claims button. At PASHealth log in page,
scroll down to the end of the page to download
our interactive tutorials.



Home Health Care














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Services By Industry



The PASHEALTH POS (Point-of-Service) terminals are easy to use for patient eligibility verification and are ideal for front-end locations such as registration areas, emergency rooms, admitting, and other areas where space is a consideration.


With PASHEALTH POS, you can verify eligibility for Medicaid, Medicare, and numerous commercial insurance plans. You can verify eligibility in seconds, receive a printed record of the response, and have a quick, simple, and accurate way of classifying patients during normal registration.


You can also add credit card authorization on the same machine saving precious workspace and money.